May 25, 2017 - c/c++

Single Linked List Reverse

Linked List Reverse is a typical interview question to determine whether the interviewee understand linked-list data structure good enought or not.

Here are two typical methods to reverse a linked-list. We can remember them in mind as a template to slove any linked list reverse problem.

0. Define the Node

struct Node {
    int val;
    Node* next;
    Node(int x): val(x), next(NULL) {}

1. Non-Recursion

void reverse( Node * root )
    Node * pLeft    = NULL;
    Node * pCurrent = root;
    Node * pRight    = NULL;

    while( pCurrent )               //Line 7
        pRight = pCurrent->next;    //Line 9
        pCurrent->next = pLeft;     //Line 10
        pLeft = pCurrent;           //Line 11
        pCurrent = pRight;          //Line 12

    return root = pLeft;

Here are the analyse of the previous code above.

Line 7: The initial state of linked list:

            Node0 ----> Node1 ----> Node2 ----> ... ----> NodeN ----> NULL

Line 9: Get the next node of the current node:

            Node0 ----> Node1 ----> Node2 ----> ... ----> NodeN ----> NULL
          (pCurrent)   (pRight)

Line 10: Reverse the ‘next’ pointer of current node and point to previous node:

 NULL <---- Node0       Node1 ----> Node2 ----> ... ----> NodeN ----> NULL
(pLeft)    (pCurrent)  (pRight)

Line 11: Move previous node pointer to next node;

 NULL <---- Node0       Node1 ----> Node2 ----> ... ----> NodeN ----> NULL
          (pCurrent)   (pRight)

Line 12: Move current node pointer to next node;

 NULL <---- Node0       Node1 ----> Node2 ----> ... ----> NodeN ----> NULL
           (pLeft)     (pCurrent)

Conclusion: 4 Steps

  1. Tag the next node of Current node;
  2. Reverse Current node Next pointer;
  3. Move Previous node to its next one;
  4. Move Current node to its next one;

2. Recursion

Node * reverse( Node * root )
    if( NULL == root || NULL == root->next )
        return root;                            //Line 4

    Node * pLast= reverse( root->next );        //Line 6
    (root->next)->next = root;                  //Line 7
    root->next = NULL;                          //Line 8
    return pLast;                               //Line 9

Line 4: Return last node;

        Node0 ----> .....
                    ..... ----> NodeL 
                                NodeL ----> NodeM
                                            NodeM ----> NodeN
                                                        NodeN ----> NULL

Line 6: Get the last node from its recursion layer;

        Node0 ----> .....     
                    ..... ----> NodeL    
                                NodeL ----> NodeM 
                                            NodeM ----> NodeN ----> NULL
                                           (root)      (pLast)

Line 7: Reverse the ‘next’ pointer of the next node of current(root);

        Node0 ----> .....
                    ..... ----> NodeL    
                                NodeL ----> NodeM
                                            NodeM <===> NodeN 
                                           (root)      (pLast)

Line 8: Set NULL to the current node;

        Node0 ----> .....
                    ..... ----> NodeL             
                                NodeL ----> NodeM <---- NodeN 
                                        (root)|        (pLast)

Line 9: Return the Last node to its upper layer.

        Node0 ----> .....
                    ..... ----> NodeL ----> NodeM <---- NodeN 
                               (root)         |        (pLast)

Loop Line6~Line9:

        Node0 <---- ..... <---- NodeL <---- NodeM <---- NodeN
    (root)|                                            (pLast)

Conclusion: 2 steps

  1. Reverse the ‘next’ pointer of the next node of current;
  2. Set NULL to the current node ‘next’ pointer;


  1. 单链表转置. skylinesky. CSDN Blog.