523. Continuous Subarray Sum
Given a list of non-negative numbers and a target integer k, write a function to check if the array has a continuous subarray of size at least 2 that sums up to the multiple of k, that is, sums up to n * k where n is also an integer.
Example 1:
Input: [23, 2, 4, 6, 7], k=6
Output: True
Explanation: Because [2, 4] is a continuous subarray of size 2 and sums up to 6.
Example 2:
Input: [23, 2, 6, 4, 7], k=6
Output: True
Explanation: Because [23, 2, 6, 4, 7] is an continuous subarray of size 5 and sums up to 42.
- The length of the array won’t exceed 10,000.
- You may assume the sum of all the numbers is in the range of a signed 32-bit integer.
1. Analyse
Analyse a question well means solving it half. The most important thing is to analyse the question.
If you have no idea on the question like me, why not write it down. Seeing is better than thinking in brain.
According to the description, we have the formula:
a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + am = n * k
I don’t like the unknow number n
, so the formula can be:
a1%k + a2%k + a3%k + ... + am%k = k
Now, all the number in array is smaller than k. The question is equal to:
Given a list of non-negative numbers and a target integer k, all numbers are smaller than k. Write a function to check if the array has a continuous subarray of size at least 2 that sums up to k.
2. Corner Case
- If
is 0.
k cannot be divide or mod.
- If
is negative number.
k can be transform to abs(k).
- If array is
[0, 0]
Every k can be multiply by 0
to return true.
3. Wrong Code
class Solution {
bool checkSubarraySum(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
k = abs(k);
for(int i=0; i<nums.size() && k!=0; i++)
nums[i] = nums[i] % k;
int sum = 0, i = -1, j = -1;
while( i<(int)nums.size() && j<(int)nums.size() ){
if( ((0==k && sum==k) || (0!=k && 0 == sum%k)) && j-i>=2 )
return true;
if( sum > k )
sum -= nums[++i];
sum += nums[++j];
return false;
4. Where We Go Wrong
Consider this case
[7, 7, 6]
It really need to sum up all array number. But how we can find a loop
of 10?
If the sum up mod is appear twice, it means there is a loop.
5. AC Code
class Solution {
bool checkSubarraySum(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
map<int,int> mp;
k = abs(k);
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<nums.size(); i++){
sum += nums[i];
int mod = ( 0==k ? sum : sum%k );
if( 0 == k ){
if( mp[mod]>=2 )
return true;
if( mp.find(mod) != mp.end() && i>0 )
return true;
return false;
6. Conclusion
This question has a lot of corner cases. It means if the future I should consider some case input such as:
And when see the multiply
in the description I should firstly come up with mod