273. Integer to English Words
Convert a non-negative integer to its english words representation. Given input is guaranteed to be less than 2^31 - 1.
For example,
123 -> "One Hundred Twenty Three"
12345 -> "Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five"
1234567 -> "One Million Two Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven"
1. Analyse
Easy problem may have tough process.
Split the number digits into groups, every three digits is one group. (1234567 –> 1,234,567)
2. AC Code
(56 Lines)
class Solution {
map<int,string> digit_one;
map<int,string> digit_ten;
void init(){
digit_one[0] = ""; digit_one[1] = "One"; digit_one[2] = "Two"; digit_one[3] = "Three"; digit_one[4] = "Four";
digit_one[5] = "Five"; digit_one[6] = "Six"; digit_one[7] = "Seven"; digit_one[8] = "Eight"; digit_one[9] = "Nine";
digit_ten[10] = "Ten"; digit_ten[11] = "Eleven"; digit_ten[12] = "Twelve"; digit_ten[13] = "Thirteen";
digit_ten[14] = "Fourteen"; digit_ten[15] = "Fifteen"; digit_ten[16] = "Sixteen"; digit_ten[17] = "Seventeen";
digit_ten[18] = "Eighteen"; digit_ten[19] = "Nineteen"; digit_ten[2] = "Twenty"; digit_ten[3] = "Thirty";
digit_ten[4] = "Forty"; digit_ten[5] = "Fifty"; digit_ten[6] = "Sixty"; digit_ten[7] = "Seventy";
digit_ten[8] = "Eighty"; digit_ten[9] = "Ninety";
string IntToStr( int num ){
string str;
int hundred = num/100, ten = (num%100)/10, one = num%10;
if( 0 != hundred )
str += (digit_one[ hundred ] + " Hundred" );
if( 0 != ten ){
if( !str.empty() ) str += " ";
str = (1==ten) ? str+digit_ten[10*ten+one] : str+digit_ten[ten];
if( 0 != one && 1 != ten )
str = str.empty() ? digit_one[one] : (str + " " + digit_one[one]);
return str;
string numberToWords(int num) {
vector<int> group;
while( num ){
group.push_back( num % 1000 );
num /= 1000;
vector<string> unit;
unit.push_back(" Thousand");
unit.push_back(" Million");
unit.push_back(" Billion");
string ret;
for( int i=0; i<group.size(); i++ ){
string tmp = IntToStr(group[i]);
if( !tmp.empty() ){
ret = ret.empty() ? tmp+unit[i] : (tmp+unit[i] + " " + ret);
return ret.empty() ? "Zero" : ret;