August 14, 2016 - algorithm

206. Reverse Linked List

Reverse a singly linked list.

1. Analyse

First, we give a diagram of a linked list.


If we want to reverse the pointer of Node1, what is the procedure?

  1. current pointer points to Node1.

  2. post pointer points to Node2.

                 A		  A
                 |		  |
               p_cur		p_post
  3. pre pointer points to Node0.

       A			A		  A
       |			|		  |
     p_pre	  p_cur		p_post
  4. break pointer of Node1.

       A			A		  A
       |			|		  |
     p_pre	  p_cur		p_post
  5. let pointer of Node1 points to Node0.

     Node0<--->Node1		Node2...
       A			A		  A
       |			|		  |
     p_pre	  p_cur		p_post

It is clear that if we want to reverse the pointer of a current node, we need pointers point to its pre/post nodes.

2. Handle The First Node

Each node has a post node(the last node points to NULL). But not every node has its pre node(the fist node does not have). We’d better add a dump node for the first node so that the whole procedure is probably the same.


3. AC code

(Line: 25)

class Solution {
    ListNode* reverseList(ListNode* head) {
        ListNode *dump = new ListNode(0);
        dump->next = head;

        ListNode *p_pre = dump;
        ListNode *p_cur = head;
        ListNode *tail = head;

        while( p_cur ){
            ListNode *p_post = p_cur->next;
            p_cur->next = p_pre;
            p_pre = p_cur;
            tail = p_cur;
            p_cur = p_post;

        if(head)	head->next = NULL;
        delete dump;
        return tail;


Linked list problem is one of my hatest problem. But if we can consider it step by step, then we can still solve it.