368. Largest Divisible Subset
Given a set of distinct positive integers, find the largest subset such that every pair (Si, Sj) of elements in this subset satisfies: Si % Sj = 0 or Sj % Si = 0.
If there are multiple solutions, return any subset is fine.
Example 1:
nums: [1,2,3]
Result: [1,2] (of course, [1,3] will also be ok)
Example 2:
nums: [1,2,4,8]
Result: [1,2,4,8]
1. Analyse
It is better to sorted the array first. If a number N can be divided by another number M ( M % N == 0 ), then all the numbers that can be divided by N also can be divided by M ( if N % x == 0, then M % x == 0 ).
Let’s define the total numbers that can be devided by N is T(N), then T(M) >= T(N)+1. It’s easy to find the number X that have the largest T(X), but we still need to record those numbers that can be divided by X. We need a index.
2. AC Code
(28 Lines )
class Solution {
vector<int> largestDivisibleSubset(vector<int>& nums) {
sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
vector<int> result;
vector<int> count(nums.size(), 1);
vector<int> index(nums.size(), -1);
int max_index = nums.size()-1;
for( int i=0; i<nums.size(); i++ ){
for( int j=0; j<i; j++ ){
if( nums[i] % nums[j] == 0 && count[i] < count[j]+1 ){
count[i] = count[j]+1;
index[i] = j;
if( count[i] >= count[max_index] )
max_index = i;
while( max_index >=0 ){
result.insert( result.begin(), nums[max_index] );
max_index = index[max_index];
return result;
3. What Can Be Improved
Let’s see the time complexity of the solution is O(n^2). The second loop j can be started from descending order. What’s more, if we recored the current max count of each position, then we can add one more strictly condition in the inner loop count[i] < max_count[j]
. Because if we have known there is no more chance we can get biger count, we can break the inner loop. And we can also easily get the max_index.
The cover picture is Russia Dolls, as a symbol of subset. Hope you like it.