July 07, 2016 - algorithm

372. Super Pow

Your task is to calculate a^b mod 1337 where a is a positive integer and b is an extremely large positive integer given in the form of an array.


a = 2
b = [3]

Result: 8


a = 2
b = [1,0]

Result: 1024

1. Analyse

The more simple the problem is, the hard the solution is. This problem should be classified as Number Theory problem.

Let’s see a simple formula first:

Let		a1 = a mod c,
		b1 = b mod c,

Then	(a * b) mod c	=	[(nc+a1) * (mc+b1)] mod c
						=	(a1 * b1) mod c
						=	[(a mod c) * (b mod c)] mod c

We get the formula:

(a * b) mod c = (a mod c) * (b mod c) mod c

If b is even, then:

a^b mod c = [a^(b/2) mod c] * [a^(b/2) mod c] mod c;
		  = [a^(b/2) mod c]^2 mod c

		  = (a^2)^(b/2) mod c

If b is odd, then:

a^b mod c = {a^[(b-1)/2] mod c} * {a^[(b-1)/2] mod c} * a mod c;
		  = {a^[(b-1)/2] mod c}^2 * a mod c

Now it is intuitive to recursively divide b to be 1.

2. TLE Code

class Solution {
    vector<int> & Half( vector<int> vec, int & remainder ){
        int carry = 0, tmp;
        for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++ ){
            tmp = (carry*10 + vec[i]) / 2;
            carry = (carry*10 + vec[i]) % 2;
            vec[i] = tmp;
        remainder = carry;
        while( vec.size() > 0 && 0 == vec[0] )
            vec.erase( vec.begin() );
        return vec;

    int superPow(int a, vector<int>& b) {
        if( 1 == b.size() && 1 == b[0] )        
            return a % 1337;

        int remainder = 0;
        vector<int> half_b = Half( b, remainder );
        long result = superPow( a, half_b );
        if( 0 == remainder )
            result = (result * result % 1337);
        else if( 1 == remainder )
            result = ((result * result % 1337) * a % 1337);
        return result;

The time complexity of TLE Code is O(log2(b)). If recursive solution will TLE, we should make it a loop solution.

3. AC Code

(37 Lines)

class Solution {
    bool isMoreThanZero( vector<int> & vec )
        while( vec.size() > 0 && 0 == vec[0] )
            vec.erase( vec.begin() );
        if( vec.empty() )
            return false;
            return true;

    void Half( vector<int>& vec, int & remainder ){
        int carry = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++ ){
            vec[i] += carry*10;
            carry = vec[i] % 2;
            vec[i] /= 2;; 
        remainder = carry;
        while( vec.size() > 0 && 0 == vec[0] )
            vec.erase( vec.begin() );

    int superPow(int a, vector<int>& b) {
        long result = 1;
        a = a % 1337;
        while( isMoreThanZero(b) ){
            int remainder = 0;
            Half( b, remainder );
            if( 1 == remainder )
                result = result * a % 1337;
            a = a * a % 1337;
        return result;

The solution above is not concise. It divides the power b half each time. Think about the fomular a^(xy) mod c = (a^x)*(a^y) mod c. Can we split the power b not by half but by its digits ? For example a^(10x+y) mod c = a^(10x) * a^y mod c. Now we get the formula:

a^(10x+y) mod c = a^(10x) * a^y mod c
				= (a^10)^x * a^y mod c
				= [(a^10)^x mod c] * (a^y mod c) mod c

4. AC Solution

(20 Lines)

class Solution {
    int myPow( int x, int y ){
        int ans = 1;
        while( y-- )
            ans = ans * x % 1337;
        return ans;

    int superPow(int a, vector<int>& b) {
        a = a % 1337;
        long result = 1;
        while( b.size() ){
            result = result * myPow( a, b.back() ) % 1337;
            a = myPow( a, 10 );
        return result;

This algorithm is a.k.a. Montgomery Modular Exponential, which is the core algorithm in RSA. Yes, the man in the cover picture is Perter Montgomery.


  1. Modular exponentiation. Wikipedia
  2. Fast Exponentiation Algorithms. Programming Logic
  3. [leetcode] 372. Super Pow 解题报告. 小榕流光的专栏